Congress organising societies

Biomedical Engineering Society (Singapore)
The Biomedical Engineering Society (Singapore) had its humble beginning in 1991, when a group of doctors and engineers who had been working together on biomedical engineering research projects decided to form a society to promote the field of Biomedical Engineering in Singapore.
The Founding President was Prof Kamal Bose an Orthopaedic Surgeon with a passion for interdisciplinary collaboration. He steered the Society during its early years and set the sight for academic excellence in biomedical engineering. He left a lasting legacy of successful conferences on biomedical engineering organised by the Society. Prof Chew Yong Tian succeeded Prof Bose as the second President of BES. Prof Chew, a Mechanical Engineer led the Society to greater heights. The conferences organised by the Society achieved international status. In view of BES’ academic strength and its association to the various tertiary institutions, BES set up a Student Chapter in 2009. The Student Chapter organises the BES’ Scientific Meetings with participation of students from Junior Colleges, Polytechnics and Universities. BES launched the Industry Chapter on the 12th November 2011 as part of its 20th Anniversary Celebration.
Apart from creating these two synergistic platforms to address human capital development for the biomedical industry locally and regionally, BES is also well connected around the world. BES is affiliated to the International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE) since 1994. It allows the Society to plug into 65 sister societies around the world, boasting a total membership of 120,000 biomedical engineers. For more information on the Society, please visit

Society of Medical Physicists (Singapore)
The objectives of the Society as stated in the Society Constitution are:
- To foster a closer working relationship among those working in the various fields of medical physics
- To create public awareness of the medical physics profession in Singapore and to project and maintain the image of medical physics professionals
- To represent and promote the interest and views of members in the local medical physics profession in international organizations
- To promote research, training and education in medical physics.
Membership is open to professionals primarily engaged in the application of physics in medicine, biology, radiation protection and other related areas. Educational qualification of members should be at least a basic degree in physical or biological or engineering.
The Society has been a member of International Organisation for Medical Physics (IOMP) since 2000. The Society is affiliated to the South East Asian Federation of Medical Physics (SEAFOMP) and Asia-Oceania Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (AFOMP) and is also one of its founding members.