
International Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (IUPESM)
The IUPESM represents the combined efforts of more than 40,000 medical physicists and biomedical engineers working on the physical and engineering science of medicine. Its principle objective is to contribute to the advancement of physical and engineering sciences in medicine for the benefit and wellbeing of humanity. To achieve its purpose, IUPESM engages in several activities. It organizes and coordinates the triennial World Congress for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering as well as organizing and/or coordinating international meetings or conferences for the IUPESM constituent organizations. Further, it establishes committees, commissions, working groups and other bodies for purposes within its mandate. Two important task groups are IUPESM’s Health Technology Task Group and its Women in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Task Group. It is also involved in publishing scientific journals (notably its Health and Technology Journal), newsletters, books and electronic documents to enhance progress. It is also committed to disseminating, promoting and/or developing standards of practice in the fields of medical physics and biomedical engineering to enhance the quality of health care worldwide. IUPESM also represents the interests of its members in the International Council for Science and similarly collaborates with other international scientific, professional and medical organizations with common interests.

International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP)
The International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP), established in 1963, is the primary professional organization for medical physics. IOMP represents 86 National Members Organizations and 6 Regional Federations worldwide. IOMP is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the World Health Organization (WHO). IOMP is charged with a mission to advance medical physics practice worldwide by disseminating scientific and technical information, fostering the educational and professional development of medical physics and promoting the highest quality medical services for patients. IOMP publishes the web-based Newsletter Medical Physics World and the web-based Journal Medical Physics International. Additionally, IOMP sponsors most of the medical physics journals worldwide and organizes various educational and professional events worldwide, aiming to boost the global development of the profession. IOMP is one of the founding bodies of the International Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (IUPESM) and co-organizes the tri-annual World Congress of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, as well as the International Conference on Medical Physics.
The statutes, bylaws, administrative structure, activities, awards, publications and other information about IOMP can be taken from its web site at:

International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering
The International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE) established in 1959 is primarily a federation of national and transnational societies. These professional organizations represent interests in medical and biological engineering. The IFMBE is also a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) for the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO), where we are uniquely positioned to influence the delivery of health care to the world through Biomedical and Clinical Engineering. The IFMBE’s objectives are scientific and technological as well as educational and literary. Within the field of medical, biological and clinical engineering IFMBE’s aims are to encourage research and application of knowledge, and to disseminate information and promote collaboration. The ways in which we disseminate information include: organizing World Congresses and Regional Conferences, publishing our flagship journal Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (MBEC), our web-based newsletter – IFMBE News, our Congress and Conference Proceedings, and books. The ways in which we promote collaborations is through networking programs, workshops and partnerships with other professional groups, e.g., Engineering World Health.

South East Asian Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (SEAFOMP)
South East Asian Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (SEAFOMP) was officially formed when it was accepted as a regional chapter of the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) at the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, held in Chicago, Illinois, in 2000.
The founding member countries of SEAFOMP were Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Two other ASEAN countries joined SEAFOMP later in 2002 (Brunei) and 2005 (Vietnam).
was established with the primary aim of helping to raise the profile of medical physics, via education and training, in ASEAN. The objectives of SEAFOMP are to promote (i) cooperation and communication between medical physics organizations in the region; (ii) medical physics and related activities in the region; (iii) the advancement in status and standard of practice of the medical physics profession; (iv) to organize and/or sponsor international and regional conferences, meetings or courses; (v) to collaborate or affiliate with other scientific organizations.
Since then the initiative has been supported by many international organisations, including the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), World Health Organization (WHO), and International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP). The support is primarily financial, via provisions of co-sponsorship of workshops and conferences, travel grants, medical physics libraries programs, and research experts and educators for educational activities.
SEAFOMP has organised a series of congresses to promote scientific exchange and mutual support among its members. The South East Asian Congress for Medical Physics (SEACOMP) series were held respectively in Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, 2001 and 2004), Thailand (Bangkok, 2003; Chiang Mai, 2009), Indonesia (Jakarta, 2006; Bandung, 2010), The Philippines (Manila, 2007; Manila & Bohol, 2011) and Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City, 2008).